The First Healing in the Bible

When studying the Bible, you can find some great truths if you examine the passages where a subject is first mentioned.  That concept is the basis for this article.  We are going to look at the first time divine healing is mentioned in the Bible.  It is found in Genesis chapter 20.  Here’s a link to it on Bible Gateway.

Here is a brief background of the story, followed by a short summary of the story.

  • Abraham is married to Sarah.
  • Sarah is a very attractive woman.
  • Abraham is afraid of someone harming him in order to take his wife.
  • On several occasions, he asks Sarah to lie and say she is his sister.

As strange and awful as that sounds, that is backdrop for this story.  Now on to the actual story.

In Genesis 20, Abraham and Sarah journey to a city named Gerar. The king of this city is named Abimilech.  Abimilech finds out about Sarah somehow, and he takes her to be in his harem.

Before Abimilech is able to have relations with Sarah, God warns him in a dream that she is Abraham’s wife. God makes it clear that it is in Abimilech’s best interest to return her to her husband Abraham, because some bad stuff is going to happen if he doesn’t. In fact, he’s going to die, and the women in his land are no longer able to have children!

So, Abimilech returns Sarah to Abraham. Then Abraham prays for healing for Abimilech and everybody else, and God heals them all.

That’s it for the summary.  It is a strange story that does not go the way most of us think it should go.

Now I want to identify some principles based on this story that carry on throughout the Bible and on into the present day.

1 – God works through people.

In the story, nobody got healed until Abraham prayed for healing.  Abraham was cooperating with God to bring about God’s will.  This very frequently the way that miracles work throughout the Bible.  God works through human beings to release, exercise, or manifest His power in the tangible, physical realm.  God desires to do miracles through us, but we have to be willing to do our part and cooperate by taking steps of faith.

2 – God works through flawed people.

Abraham is the one at fault here.  He lied and caused this whole problem.  Yet, Abraham is the first person that God works through to demonstrate healing power.  Abraham was dishonest, but he was the one that ministered healing.  This shows us that our ability to avoid sin is not a prerequisite to operate in divine healing.  Sin does not stop God’s power.  God is bigger than our sins.

Sin is bad, don’t get me wrong.  But, don’t fall for the temptation to think that God won’t use you because you aren’t good enough.  Divine healing is based on God’s divine goodness, not your human goodness.  This is huge, and it is the main point I want to get across in this article.  Don’t just read past this fact. Let it take root.  God works through flawed people.  That’s all He has to choose from.

3 – The person that is ministering healing may be in need of a miracle as well.

At the time this story took place, Abraham and Sarah were childless.  They were not able to have children.  But, part of the healing that God ministered in this story was restoring the ability of the women in Gerar to conceive.

If you are fighting some kind of physical condition, don’t let that be a roadblock that keeps you from stepping out in faith and ministering to others.  100% perfect health is not a prerequisite to be used in divine healing.  Don’t disqualify yourself, and don’t disqualify others, just because you (or they) are currently in a struggle with a sickness.

4 – Although the healing may be instant, the physical evidence may show up later.

Part of the healing that took place in this story was the restoration of the ability of the women to conceive.  Because of the nature of the healing, it would be a while before they could tell for sure what happened.  They were totally healed immediately, but they would have no physical evidence until they became pregnant.

Sometimes an action is required on the part of the “patient” in order to fully demonstrate the complete healing.  In this case, each woman would have to have relations with her husband, and then some time would have to pass before they would have some kind of physical proof that the healing was real.

5 – God does things differently than we do.

I think most of us would expect some kind of punishment for Abraham. It seems like the wrong guy is getting in trouble (Abimilech).

Abilich is not innocent according to our modern moral standards, but it seems like Abraham’s dishonesty is the the real cause of all the trouble.  If he would have been truthful, then maybe this whole situation could have been avoided.

But, if you go back a few years in Abraham’s history, back to Genesis 12, you will find that God made a promise to Abraham.  God said “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you.”  God is simply keeping His promise here.  This promise wasn’t conditional on Abraham’s moral behavior.  It was based on the fact that Abraham believed what God said.

This is much like the promise we have from God.  If we will believe the gospel of Jesus, then He will not count any of our sins against us (past, present, or future), He will adopt us into His own family, give us eternal life, and make us a co-heir with Jesus.  And just like the promise to Abraham, this is not dependent on our ability or inability to keep a code of ethics . It is dependent on whether or not we believe what God said about His Son.


  • Powerful and concise study on the first healing mentioned in scripture. LOVE that God uses flawed people. I have the GIFT of healing and have seen God heal in spite of how well I think my walk is or isn’t going. That said, I am just now digging in deep and positioning myself for this gift to become more manifest by the grace of God.

  • Deep!
    It just dawned on me through your teaching that, apart from being heir of the world, being ABRAHAM’S SEED also means not having your sins counted against you. Just like father Abraham.
    You should write on this subject, i would love to read the exposition you would give on that.
    Blessed by this article.


    Thank you for this article. It has brought me much clarity on operating in the gift of healing and allowing the power of God to flow through me in realization that it is his power and because it is his, he can do as he wills with it! Regardless of how flawed I may be, the vessel he’s flowing through, or even the condition of the person he chooses to heal.

  • The Lord has used you to set many people free
    You are blessed

  • Specifically in this scripture Abraham was not flawed or dishonest… Sarah indeed was Abraham ‘s sister and Abraham made that clear in verse 12 (Genesis 20:12). They (Sarah and Abraham) belonged to the same father but different mothers. Abraham was Sarah’s half-brother (the term half-brother was not known at the time). Roman 6:1-2 says we who are dead to sin how shall we live in sin anymore, God forbid. Roman 6:23 says the wage of sin is death. 1 John 3:8, he who sins is of the devil, but Jesus came to destroy the works of devil.

    In short I differ with some facts about this article, Abraham married his father’s daughter, which makes Sarah both sister and wife to Abraham. However I learned some revelations in this article that never disqualify yourself because of satan the accuser of our brethren, you are the new creation and the old things have passed away.
    When satan and fallen angels sinned in rebellion against God Jehovah cast them out of heaven. God who hated sin then still hates it today and he desires us to hate it too. Let us not grieve the Holy Spirit of God in engaging in impurities. Shalom

    • Thank you for your comment. While I am aware of Sarah’s status, I believe it is clear that Abraham was being dishonest intentionally. He did the same thing back in Genesis 12:10-20. His intention is to deceive by only telling part of the truth. He is afraid that he will be killed if it becomes known that Sarah is his wife, so he has her intentionally withhold that information to protect his own life. It is true that she is his sister, but it is also true that she is his wife.
      The good news is that his moral failures do not disqualify him, and that is the point I am making.

  • Derlon D Wilson

    I taught this today on Word For The Day, This teaching was a wonderful article and gives much insight. I hope you don’t mind that I Borrowed this from you. While reading this teaching I heard the Lord say doing it again…. we are in nations around the world. Thank you again for your work for the Lord. I look forward to reading much more of your work. God Bless

  • Rev. Ranti Joseph

    Beloved, the revelation here is so powerful.
    God bless you abundantly

  • Thanks for the good understanding you brought to light, and may God continuously bless you

  • According to Genesis 11:27-32 Sarai was not Abraham’s sister. Please expain after you read Genesis 11: 27-32

    • Hi Cheryl. Thank you for your question.

      Abraham tells Abimilech in Gen 20:12 that Sarai is his half-sister.

      Gen. 20:12 “Besides, she actually is my sister, the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother, and she became my wife;”

      It is true that she is his wife, and it is also true that she is his sister (or half-sister).

  • Excellent teaching on the first healing recorded! Thank you for breaking down those valuable truths and insights!

  • I have learnt something new. Thanks for simplifying the story and scriptures.

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