Casting Out Demons 5 – Overcoming Lies and Unbelief (Audio)


Title:  Casting Out Demons 5 – Overcoming Lies and Unbelief

Subject Matter:  The children of God have been given authority over the kingdom of darkness, but many Christians are unaware of this fact.  In this class, we covered the Biblical foundation for the power and authority we have been given, and worked to uncover some of the lies of the enemy that affect believers in this area.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded November 11, 2015 at Spirit Filled Livinga local church in Apex, NC

You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link:  Casting Out Demons 5 – Overcoming Lies and Unbelief


  • I am having serious attacks from the enemy and much pain can you show me are tell me which video to watch and where I can fond them. God bless

    • I am sorry you are experiencing this. Without knowing more details, I would recommend practical application. I would also suggest learning about your authority and how to use it. Any of the material on my pages on healing or casting out demons would be helpful. I am praying for you now.

      • I have been diagnosed with auto-immune and I know they are lying symptoms it’s effected my organs liver,stomach, digestive system blood bones etc. I have problems with my thinking because of shunt in liver and ammonia goes to my brain. But God wants me well and I know that’s why Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. I am rebuking cursing demanding it to leave I got some relief in my knee yesterday after listening to your authority of the believer and I am telling this unclean spirit to leave in Jesus name. I read scriptures everyday and tongues what else please tell me something. I believe the Holy Spirit brought me to this sight. God bless 😊 not giving up. The demon just dropped death to me. But he defeated Praise God

        • I am thankful to hear that you got some relief. Personally I use every means available to me when there is some kind of sickness or other infirmity going on. I believe Jesus bore my pains and my sickness (Isa 53:4) and I use my authority to command things to leave me that do not belong (Luke 10:19). I also pray and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. And I also go to the doctor or take medicine if necessary. I use every tool I have. If you want Biblical teachings and resources, I have put many hours of teaching, and many articles on my site here that I hope will be of benefit to you. I will also agree with you in prayer. “Father I thank you that it is your will for healing for all of your children. Jesus I thank you that you already paid the price for us. I take my God-given authority and I command every symptom to submit to the will of God and leave Margaret right now in Jesus name! Amen!”

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