Sunday Sermon – Gifts of the Spirit

I had the opportunity to preach at my home church this week.  When I was praying about what to talk about, I felt like the Lord kept showing me that I should teach about the gifts of the Spirit, and that He was going to heal some people from some physical problems and sickness during the service.  I felt like he showed me that He would heal people as they sang and worshipped, and that He would heal them as they listened to the sermon.

So far, I know of at least 10 people that were healed during the service, and we were all so happy and thankful.  God is amazing!


Here is the YouTube video:


  • Praise God. I was one of them. I felt electricity flowing through my body during worship. And my leg pain went away temporarily. Neal, please continue to pray against my fibromyagia and arithitis

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