How to Pray for Yourself

If you find yourself in a situation where you are struggling with some kind of sickness, or you aren’t feeling well, but there is no one around to pray for you, then I hope some part of this post is helpful to you.

My wife asked me to write a very concise set of steps that describe some of the ways that I pray for my own healing. The goal is that it would be helpful to others. I will list three different “methods” for lack of a better term. These are not formulas. They are meant to be guides to help you get started when you need some help. Feel free to change any of this for your own needs.

Method One – You shall have what you say

  1. Believe that what you are about to say will happen (Mark 11:23)
  2. Imagine the outcome you want.  Picture it in your mind to help you use your faith. (Ephesians 3:20)
  3. Say what you want to happen, in Jesus name
    1. You can tell the symptom to go (Luke 4:39)
    2. You can tell the body to recover (Luke 5:13)
    3. Examples:
      • “Sinuses, be healed in Jesus name!”
      • “Pain, get out of my body in Jesus name!”
  4. Notes:
    • You are not commanding God. You are commanding symptoms to obey God and leave your body using your God-given authority (Luke 10:19).
    • You can repeat your commands if you feel like you need to.  Do whatever you believe you need to do.
    • You can help yourself to believe by imagining the outcome you want when you start commanding. God gave us our imagination, and we should use it in ways that agree with scripture. So, picture in your mind what it looks like when the healing is done and finished (Ephesians 3:20)
    • Do not allow yourself to say or believe anything that goes against what you commanded.  Do not think or believe “maybe it didn’t work.”

    Method Two – Believe You Receive

    1. Believe that by Jesus wounds you have already been healed (1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:4-5)
      1. Your healing is already paid for
      2. It is available for your to take hold of
    2. Say out loud “I believe I receive my healing in Jesus name” (Mark 11:24)
    3. Picture yourself receiving the healing power of God (Ephesians 3:20)
    4. Picture what it will look like once the healing is finished

    Method Three – Lay Hands on Yourself

    1.  Believe what the Bible says: “Believers will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” (Mark 16:18b)
      • It says they WILL recover
      • Recovery may be instant, or a process, but recovery will take place
    2. Place your hands on yourself wherever the problem is
    3. Imagine the power of God going through your hands and into the place that needs healing (Ephesians 3:20)
      1. Imagine that power repairing your body (Luke 6:19, Mark 5:30)
      2. Imagine that power driving out any sickness or anything that doesn’t belong
    4. Thank God for his healing power

    Since my goal is to keep this short, I will end this here. I look forward to answering any questions in the comments.


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