FAQ – Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Here is a list of my answers to questions that often come up in conversations about the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.  These are here to supplement to the other articles I have on this topic.

Q – Is this for us today, or was it just for the early church?

A – On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, when explaining the experience, Peter tells us in Acts 2:17 that it is meant for the “last days.”  The last days began in Acts 2, and we are still in the “last days.”  So yes, it is for most definitely for us today.

Q – Do I have to speak in tongues when I get baptized with the Holy Spirit?

A – You don’t have to, you GET to.  See here for more info

Q – How can you be sure that “praying in the spirit” is the same thing as “speaking in tongues?”

A – Read 1 Cor 14:14 -15 “For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.  What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.

The terms “speaking in tongues,” “praying in the spirit,” and “praying with the spirit” are interchangeable.

Q – Doesn’t the Bible say somewhere that tongues will cease?

A – Yes.  It says in 1 Cor 13:8-10 that tongues will cease at some point in time.  It also says that “knowledge will vanish away” at that same point in time.  Tongues will cease at the same time that knowledge vanishes away.  Obviously, knowledge hasn’t vanished away.  This is referring to a time in the future where things like faith, hope, knowledge, prophecy, and tongues are no longer needed because we are with Jesus in the eternal afterlife.  These things most definitely have not ceased yet.

Q – Why do people like you make such a big deal about speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit Baptism?

A – Because God the Father, Jesus, Paul, and the rest of the early church made a big deal out of it.  It is my goal to have my attitudes line up with theirs.  Click here for scripture references and more info.

Q – Shouldn’t we be focused on saving the lost rather than on this?

A – Read Acts 1:4-8.  Jesus told all of His followers NOT to begin preaching to all the word UNTIL they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit.  So, imagine that you were standing there, and you heard Jesus say that.  Then you asked Jesus that same question:  “Hey Jesus, why are we focusing on this instead of focusing on saving the lost?”  What do you think He would say?

Q – My church/pastor/bishop/etc doesn’t believe in “speaking in tongues.”  In fact, we are taught against this.  What do you have to say about that?

A – People are free to believe whatever they want to, but the Bible says “do not forbid speaking in tongues” in 1 Cor 14:39.  I choose to agree with the Bible rather than religious organizations.

Q – I believe that if God wanted me to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, then I would do it. 

A – Consider the ramifications of this statement.  You are saying that if God wants you to do something then you have no choice in the matter.  You are saying that you always do everything God wants you to do whether you want to or not.  That makes God responsible for all the sins you have ever committed.  I don’t believe that is biblical, but even if that is true, then God must have wanted you to be reading this right now, so read this:  If you are a Christian, then God wants you to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and to receive ability to speak in tongues that comes with it.  It available to every believer that wants it.

Q – When I pray in tongues, it seems like I am just saying the same thing over and over sometimes.  Is that OK?

In Revelation 4:8 there is a group of angels that repeat the same phrase over and over – “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” In all creation, they are in the closest proximity to God’s throne. If you are repeating the same phrase over and over, maybe it is something very important, or maybe it is a very high form of praise. We don’t often know what we are praying in tongues, but we are told that it is useful and beneficial.


  • Hi! I have been baptised with the Holy spirit last year, and it was such a joy. I wanted it so much and i begged the Lord for 4 years to fulfill His promise of sending His Spirit in my life as well.

    What s bothering me is that in the beginning the language that i have received then was very complex. It was like a “normal” language. Many different words and, different accents each time i would start praying in tongues. After a year, it went from that to a small number of phrases which repeat again and again. It frustrates me and this producea doubt. As a consequence, i stopped praying in tongues because as i said, i would repeat again and again the sams phrases.

    Be blessed!

    • Thank you for your comment. I would like to encourage you to press on and use your spiritual language. In Revelation 4:8 there is a group of angels that repeat the same phrase over and over – “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” In all creation, they are in the closest proximity to God’s throne. If you are repeating the same phrase over and over, maybe it is something very important, or maybe it is a very high form of praise. We don’t often know what we are praying in tongues, but we are told that it is useful and beneficial. God bless you.

  • I am a Christian and have been for 30 years, and I was baptized with water at that time. I love the Lord and I teach and share Jesus with others. I have not received the ability to speak in tongues. I did not grow up in a church that spoke of the Holy Spirit much and certainly not tongues. However, I have prayed for that ability for years.

    I do believe the Holy Spirit has spoken in power through me to others, and it manifests in a pressure in my chest. The Holy Spirit also seems to notify me when I hear truth with goose bumps. But still, no prayer language/tongues.

    Is there anything else that I need to “do?”

    • Hi Sue! Thank you for your comment.

      You receive the ability to speak in tongues the moment you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

      If you would like to follow along as I lead a group of people to receive it, and to speak in tongues for the first time, you can watch my video sermon and participate in the exercise at the end:

      The Promise of the Father – Holy Spirit Baptism(video)

      I would also be happy to help lead you to receive it over a video call if you like. If that would be helpful, please use the “CONTACT” link and send me a message.

      I pray that you receive and enjoy all of God’s wonderful gifts. Be blessed!

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