Sunday Sermon – Gifts of the Spirit

I had the opportunity to preach at my home church this week.  When I was praying about what to talk about, I felt like the Lord kept showing me that I should teach about the gifts of the Spirit, and that He was going to heal some people from some physical problems and sickness during the service.  I felt like he showed me that He would heal people as they sang and worshipped, and that He would heal them as they listened to the sermon.

So far, I know of at least 10 people that were healed during the service, and we were all so happy and thankful.  God is amazing!


Here is the YouTube video:

Divine Healing (Summer 2018)

Title: Divine Healing

Subject Matter:  In this class we discussed some of the things the Bible has to say about divine healing.  We looked at some of the different avenues that healing comes through, and also we looked at Jesus as our example for ministering healing to others.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded August 15, 2018 at a local church in Apex, NC as part of the “Spirit Filled Living” summer series of classes.




AUDIO DOWNLOAD:  You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link:  Divine Healing in the Bible


Born Again, Born of Spirit (Summer 2018)

Title: Born Again, Born of Spirit

Subject Matter:  In this class we talked about what happens to you when you receive Jesus, when you believe in His name.  There are some profound, life-changing truths to be found when you explore what the Bible has to say about this subject.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded August 8, 2018 at a local church in Apex, NC as part of the “Spirit Filled Living” summer series of classes.



AUDIO DOWNLOAD:  You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link: Born of Spirit


The Baptism with the Holy Spirit – Summer 2018 Audio/Video

Title: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Subject Matter:  In this class we went through what the Bible says about “The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.”  We talked about what it is, what it is for, and also answered a lot of the common questions about it.  At the end of the teaching we had a time where people could receive it for themselves.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded August 1, 2018 at a local church in Apex, NC as part of the “Spirit Filled Living” summer series of classes.





AUDIO DOWNLOAD:  You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link: Baptism with the Holy Spirit


The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Title: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Subject Matter:  This class begins with an overview of the various kinds of gifts listed in the New Testament.  Then we move our focus to the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded July 25, 2018 at a local church in Apex, NC as part of the “Spirit Filled Living” summer series of classes.



DOWNLOAD:  You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link: Spiritual Gifts

The Key to the Power of God in Your Life

Title: The Key to the Power of God in Your Life

Subject Matter:  In this class we looked at Jesus as our example for cooperating with the Holy Spirit in order to bring God’s will to your environment.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded July 18, 2018 at a local church in Apex, NC as part of the “Spirit Filled Living” summer series of classes.




DOWNLOAD:  You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link: The Key to the Power of God in Your Life

New Class Starting!

On Wednesday, July 18th 2018, I am starting another six-week “Spirit Filled Living” course.

We will meet each Wednesday and cover a new topic.    We will be covering things like healing, spiritual gifts, and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

The classes are interactive, and we almost always include a time of activation at the end, where we put into practice the things we are learning.

If you are in the area, we would love to you have you.  The classes are open to any believers that are open and curious about the modern day ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Healing Testimonies Video

I was recently asked to participate in a series of videos of healing testimonies and stories.  I shared two of my favorite stories from the last ten years or so.

Click here to see the video.

I would also like add that the video and pictures were done by my friends Gabe and Christian Reyes.  They are very talented and very good and what they do.  They have their own design and photography businesses.  Here are links to their sites:

Gabe Reyes –

Christian Reyes –

Podcast Interview

I was recently interviewed by my friend April Harrison for her new podcast titled “The More of God.”  I was very honored to be the first guest she interviewed.

She asked me to talk about our testimony of healing, about my experience with the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, and some other experiences I have had with the Holy Spirit.  It was a lot of fun.

You can listen to the interview on her website here at this link:

There are lots of great interviews on there as well.  I definitely recommend checking it out.


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