
Welcome to!

The main purpose of this site is to equip all children of God to take advantage of the inheritance that our Lord Jesus has shared with us.

I chose to divide this website into the following major categories:

    Baptism with the Holy Spirit

    After Jesus rose from the dead, in his last recorded words to his followers, he told all of them wait for something before they were to begin doing anything for him to advance the message. They were told to wait until they had received supernatural power through an experience he called being “baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

    Heal the Sick
    Cast Out Demons
    Preach the Gospel

    During Jesus’ ministry, most of his time was spent on three main activities: healing the sick, casting out demons, and preaching/teaching about the Kingdom of God.

    Every time Jesus sent out anyone to represent him, including all believers at the Great Commission, he told them to do those same three activities: heal the sick, cast out demons, preach/teach about the Kingdom of God.

    Spiritual Gifts

    In order to be as effective as we can possibly be in life, we must learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and learn to work with Him as he empowers us to do things beyond the abilities of mere humans.

    Other Topics

    This holds resources that do not fit into the other categories above.

    Also, please see the Testimony page to learn about the night my wife was healed out of a wheelchair, and I receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit after being a Christian for 30 years.

    I hope these resources are helpful to you in your journey. Be blessed!

    Neal Leazer


    • I have been looking for a church for my daughter and son-in-law to attend in North Carolina. They live in Clemmons. I noticed on one video that you said you were teaching at your home church in Apex, NC: Hope Chapel. I also saw a Hope Chapel in Greensboro. Which church are you affiliated with? Also, I have been studying the Bible since 1978, when my life took a radical turn to be completely committed to Jesus as not ONLY my Savior, but my Lord as well. When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in early 1979, I began to see things I had not seen before. What is interesting, until today when I read your posts, that my daughter sent to me, I had never read articles quite like yours which corresponds to revelations that the Lord had shown me regarding these same scriptural subjects. It was comforting to see that the Lord had revealed these same truths to someone else who is a very balanced teacher. I know there are other teachers who teach healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit, etc. But the clarity that you have presented these subjects is so refreshing. I too grew up in a Baptist church in South Carolina, even though now I live in California. I also noticed several Hope Chapels here on the west coast. Is your church affiliated with any of them? I live in Irvine, and would like to find a church like yours:) Thanks for answering my inquiry at your convenience. Until then, I will watch your videos!!!

      • Hi Kathryn. Thank you for the kind words!

        [Updated as of 2020] The church that I mentioned in the videos is no longer what it used to be. I encourage you to ask God to lead you to a place that would be a good fit for you.

        Thanks again for the compliments, and I am glad you are enjoying my posts.

      • Hey Kathryn! We used to go to an EXCELLENT church in Clemmons called River Oaks Community Church. Fantastic people and we are very close to the pastors there. Have them check it out!

    • Hi Neal, this is exactly the kind of church that I am looking for and the kind of church that my daughter would want to attend. I have not found one here near Irvine California that’s why I was so drawn to your messages and your teachings when I discovered them after my daughter had searched the internet and found them.

      Hopefully one day she could visit your church. Do you have evening services? Would you please tell me the days of the week and times that you have services. Thank you very much for responding to me. Love in Jesus Christ Our God and Savior, Kathryn Olson

      • [ Updated as of 2020 ] The church where many of the videos were recorded is no longer what it used to be. I encourage everyone to ask God to lead them to the place that would be a good fit for them.

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