Healing part 5 – Learning from Jesus in the Scriptures
Title: Healing part 5 – Learning from Jesus in the Scriptures
Subject Matter: This is the fifth part of a series on healing. In this class we examined some of the passages in the Gospels where Jesus was healing the sick. From those passages, we pulled truths and principles that will help us as we continue changing our thinking and our actions so that we are more and more like Christ. Healing was a major part of what Jesus was doing, and in order for us to accurately represent Him, healing should be a major part of what the church is doing.
Speakers: Neal Leazer
Recorded September 16, 2015 at Spirit Filled Living – a local church in Apex, NC
You can download the audio by right-clicking on the following link: Healing part 5 – Learning from Jesus in the Scriptures