The Humanity of Jesus – Video and Article


In my previous post, I showed how God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are shown in the Bible as playing different roles in whatever God is doing. If you haven’t visited that post already, I would encourage to you do so before reading this post.

In this post, we will look more closely at the role of Jesus during his time on earth in a physical body. We often underestimate just how far our savior went in order to rescue us.

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Roles and Relationships in the Trinity


This the first post and video in a series about Spirit-filled living. In this series, I hope to describe how Jesus set an example for us to follow, and he empowered us to do so in ways that are truly astounding.

The Godhead

In the Bible, God has revealed himself as three distinct and distinguishable, but not separate, persons.

He is revealed as God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit

He is One God in Three persons. Theologians call this the Trinity, or the Triune God.

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God’s Will in Healing and Deliverance – Spirit Filled Living Spring 2019

Title: God’s Will in Healing and Deliverance

Subject Matter: In this class we talk about how we can understand God’s will when it comes to things like healing and deliverance. We had some great questions, and we look at various scriptural principles that come into play when you think about God’s will.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded April 17, 2019 at a local church in Apex, NC


Jesus is Our Example for Miracles – Spirit Filled Living Spring 2019

Title: Jesus is Our Example

Subject Matter: When we can see that God the Son, Jesus, became a human 2000 years ago and lived life as a man with human limits, we can see him as our example of how to go beyond human limits by cooperating with the Holy Spirit to heal sick people and demonstrate the Kingdom of God.

Speakers:  Neal Leazer

Recorded April 3, 2019 at a local church in Apex, NC